Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I have junk-food and I'm not afraid to use it!

Bit disturbing when I go on my junk-food buying sprees, means that I know I'm going to need it. And when a girl needs chocolate, compared to her wanting chocolate, that can't be good.

I know some people consider junkfood the root of all evil, but I don't think denying yourself of something you want is healthy. Overdoing it is unhealthy, but a chocolate bar is not going to kill anyone. Anyways, I'm rambling...what to write about today...?

Is there any topic that the whole world can relate to? Ag, is there a topic that even a few people can relate to? Blogs always take ages to get any visitors. I think I'l talk about food, since I have that pretty picture up.

But I guess I should talk a bit about myself before I do? Right now, I'm on holiday. Being a postgrad student rocks so much...long, long holidays, minimal classes and you basically do whatever you want. Not that I couldn't do it before, but being an honours student is great. Sometimes, I want to prolong it, even though I've been studying non-stop for 16 years and frankly, I'm sick and tired of it. But every time I go job hunting on the internet, my fingers itch to grab an application form from my university and sign up for another year. But I'll try to control myself...

Anyways, I think that's enough whining. Back to food. In Tia-world, chocolate is the most important food group...ever. I would like to stress that I'm not an addict, but chocolate is...I don't know, a miracle medicine? Almost as good as laughter.

Hmm, I'm not a very good blogger. Tonight my thoughts don't seem to be connected. Oh well, I'll try again later.


jas said...

Yep, slowly entering into the real world baby, all I can say is All the best, i hope all the luck in the world is with you, and also u will start eating a lot more chocolate when u r out there...

Tia143 said...

Lol, if I start eating more choc, I might die. Actually, I'm taking a break from junk food...I don't know how long it'll last though.

I don't wanna be in the real world!

jas said...

are u really taking a break? why?
well, u don't wanna be, but that doesn't mean that u won't be there.... i can guess (well, i can't say i know) it is hard... but we all enter it once, and u r halfway there u know, living on ur own, so now, its just abt the job... best of luck, and remember, u can count on ur friends :)

Tia143 said...

I WAS taking a break, lol, but that lasted for like a day.

Arey, Yaar, what makes you think I'm living alone? I'm studying, I couldn't afford to live alone. Actually, you're more independent than me, lol.

jas said...

Yeah, now i remember, you had once mentioned that ur brother messed up with ur laptop... so i guess ur family lives in SA, I thought u had been sent there for studies....